Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 - Describe a foreigner you know who speaks Vietnamese well

“Describe a foreigner you know who speaks Vietnamese well” là một trong số những chủ đề khá lạ thuộc IELTS Speaking quý 3/2023. Tham khảo bài mẫu của Athena để học cách triển khai ý tưởng cho đề này nhé!



Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: “Describe a foreigner you know who speaks Vietnamese well"


Describe a foreigner you know who speaks Vietnamese well


You should say

Who this person is?

Where he/she is from?

How he/she learns Vietnamese?

And explain why he/she can speak Vietnamese well?


I'd like to tell you about Maria, a remarkable foreigner I know who speaks Vietnamese exceptionally well. Maria comes from Russia and has resided in Vietnam for nearly two decades. Over the years, she has become fluent in the North Vietnamese dialect.

Maria's proficiency in Vietnamese can be attributed to her sheer dedication and her love for interacting with people. She didn't rely solely on formal language courses but immersed herself in the local culture and actively engaged in conversations with native speakers. By doing so, she developed not only linguistic competence but also an intuitive understanding of the language's nuances.

What truly sets Maria apart is her genuine passion for connecting with people. She is known for her sociable nature and her eagerness to strike up conversations with anyone she meets. This trait allowed her to practice and refine her Vietnamese skills on a daily basis. Through countless interactions, she has honed her pronunciation, vocabulary, and cultural awareness to the point where she can speak Vietnamese flawlessly, resembling a native speaker.

In essence, Maria's impressive fluency in Vietnamese is a testament to her unwavering commitment to learning and her genuine love for the language and the people of Vietnam. She has not only mastered the words but has also captured the spirit of the language, making her a truly exceptional speaker of Vietnamese.


Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: “Describe a focreigner you know who speaks Vietnamese well"

What foreign languages do Vietnamese children learn?

I suppose that Vietnamese children primarily learn two foreign languages: English and Chinese. These languages are the most commonly taught and widely recognized in educational curricula. While English takes precedence due to its global impact, Chinese follows closely, given Vietnam's proximity to China and its growing economic ties with the country.


Why do Vietnamese children learn English?

As I mentioned above, there are probably a number of factors involved. The chief cause might be that English is widely recognized as the global language of communication, business, and technology. Proficiency in English opens up doors to better employment opportunities and increased mobility in an interconnected world. Moreover, English is a crucial skill for higher education, as many universities offer programs taught in English.


Why are so many people learning English?

Like Vietnamese children, I think people around the world also have the same reason why they choose English as a second language. First, many individuals are pursuing higher education, and trying to get access to a vast majority of academic research materials that are available exclusively in English. Additionally, to facilitate business transactions and collaborations across borders, people use English as a lingua franca.


How can you help children learn English?

Needless to say, creating an immersive environment where English is used consistently can greatly enhance language acquisition. Additionally, incorporating interactive and engaging teaching methods, such as games, songs, and multimedia resources, can make the learning process enjoyable and effective. So you can see there are several ways to help children learn English, but we should choose it wisely to align with children’s learning preferences.


Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?

No, it has evolved significantly compared to the past. With the advent of the internet and technology, not only are apps introduced to learners that make learning grammar and vocabulary feel like games, but they also give us access to a wealth of materials. Moreover, it's much more flexible and convenient to find native speakers to practice speaking with, thanks to the convenience of online platforms at our fingertips.


Tổng kết

Trên đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 và part 3 về chủ đề Describe a foreigner you know who speaks Vietnamese well - một topic nằm trong dự đoán đề quý 3/2023. Các sĩ tử chú ý ôn thật kỹ bộ Forecast IELTS Speaking Quý 3/2023 để có thể “ẵm" được điểm thật cao nhé!


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