Giải đề: Describe an interesting conversation that you had with an old person

Athena gửi các bạn giải đề IELTS Speaking Part 2&3 có trong bộ đề dự đoán IELTS Speaking trong quý 1/2024. Hãy theo dõi ngay anh ngữ Athena để nhanh chóng cập nhật nhiều đề thi IELTS Speaking gần đây cũng như các bài mẫu IELTS có trong Forecast để có thể ôn luyện thật tốt nhé!

Topic: Describe an interesting conversation that you had with an old person

You should say:

  • Who did you have it with?
  • Where did you have it?
  • What was the conversation?
  • And explain how you felt about it?

My dad, the fountain of wisdom himself. We delve into the captivating realm of finances - earning, spending, and saving money on a Sunday afternoon at my house. Dad, with his seasoned insight, unravels the mystery of financial unpredictability. He drops knowledge bombs about how the future remains an enigma, and we can't predict its twists and turns. As we chat, the economic landscape emerges as our playground.


We discuss the ebb and flow of trends, the rise, and fall of markets, like players in a grand chess game. Initially, it's like deciphering a cryptic code, but my dad, the master storyteller, weaves tales of fiscal wisdom. He simplifies complex concepts with real-life examples and clever comparisons, illuminating the path to financial enlightenment. With each anecdote and analogy, my understanding deepens, like uncovering buried treasure. Suddenly, the once-daunting terrain of money matters transforms into a thrilling adventure, ripe with possibilities.


Captivated by the magic of financial literacy. My eyes widen with newfound comprehension, my mind buzzing with excitement. Learning from my dad feels like unlocking a secret door to a world of infinite opportunities.


In that moment, I'm filled with gratitude for the priceless gift of knowledge and the bond we share. It's more than just an interesting conversation.

Bài mẫu IELTS Part 3


1. What is the difference between the conversation between men and women?

Oh this is hard, I’m not sure but I think women tend to be more expressive with their emotions compared to their counterparts. However, there are numerous factors affecting the conversation such as individual personalities, culture, and so on.


2. Which conversation is better on the phone or face-to-face?

For me, face-to-face conversations hold a lot more nuance and depth. You know, you can really pick up on those subtle cues, like facial expressions and body language, which add so much richness to the interaction. Plus, there's something about being in the same physical space that makes the conversation feel more connected and real. It's like you can truly sense the energy and vibe of the moment.


3. Why do people get nervous while they give presentations?

A lot of folks get nervous when they have to give public speeches or presentations because they're afraid of being judged or not meeting expectations. And for introverts, stepping into the spotlight can feel like walking into a nightmare sometimes. It's all about that fear of being in the spotlight and worrying about how others perceive them.


4. Why is body language important?

I think because it's like a universal code that some people can decipher to understand whether others are telling the truth or not. It's such a powerful way to express people's feelings too. Sometimes, you don't even need words, your body does all the talking. People still get what you're trying to convey, even without saying a single word.

Tổng kết

Và đó là lời giải chi tiết cho speaking part 2&3 với chủ đề "Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event". Hãy tìm hiểu thêm nhiều bài mẫu IELTS Speaking và Speaking của Athena trong bộ Dự đoán đề IELTS Speaking Quý 1/2024 để học hỏi và chinh phục tấm bằng IELTS với điểm số thật cao nhé!

Tham khảo khóa học IELTS toàn diện từ mất gốc cam kết đầu ra 7.0+ của Athena giúp bạn nâng điểm Speaking nhanh chóng: 

  • Lộ trình học “tối giản”, “tối ưu” giúp bạn nắm vững kiến thức cơ bản, và nắm chắc tấm bằng IELTS 7.0+ trong tầm tay.
  • Được giảng dạy trực tiếp bởi ThS. Đỗ Vân Anh (8.5 IELTS với 10 năm kinh nghiệm giảng dạy TOEIC/IELTS)  
  • Được chữa Speaking 1-1 trực tiếp hàng tuần cùng Cô Vân Anh - “Đặc quyền” chỉ có tại khóa học của Athena. 
  • Học phí “nhẹ ví” với các bạn sinh viên: Khóa IELTS từ mất gốc đến 7.0+ tại Athena là lựa chọn phù hợp với các bạn sinh viên mong muốn sở hữu tấm bằng IELTS với chi phí thấp nhưng chất lượng cao. Ngoài ra, Athena còn trao học bổng định kỳ với các bạn đạt điểm IELTS như mong ước.


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